Insolite Express

La Bête de Bolton observée ?

Près de Farnsworth en Angleterre, une dame (Natalie Kay) aurait vu la bête de Bolton.

Il s’agit d’une créature qui ressemblerait à une panthère, mais ayant des yeux d’un jaune étincellant et possédant une longue queue.

Elle aurait vu la créature en revenant de magasiner.

“I knew it wasn’t a dog. It looked like a cat but it wasn’t. It was much bigger and had a long tail, pointed ears and these greedy yellow eyes. It was about the same size as the bonnet of my car.

“You hear of these animals in jungles, but you wouldn’t think anything like that could live in Bolton,” said Kay. “There are playing fields near where I saw it.”

“It’s scary when you think that children play around there.”

Est-ce qu’une panthère est en liberté dans cette région de l’Angleterre ?

Category: Monstres et créatures


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Article by: Rédaction

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